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Entry 3

Summary paper and conclusions: the characteristics of pre-vocational programme design and delivery


To conclude the Foundation's inquiry into pre-vocational programmes in early 2016, a summary paper has been produced which sets out a number of conclusions and recommendations. Highlighting important characteristics of pre-vocational programme design and delivery, the report is of particular value to leaders, managers, teachers and trainers. The paper also identifies a number of key points and considerations which will be of interest to all involved in policy, planning and delivery.

ESOL Access for ALL


ESOL Access for All is intended to support inclusive learning for bilingual learners with learning difficulties or disabilities. It is modelled on the original Access for All but directly linked to the ESOL Core Curriculum. In addition, it updates the original content of Introducing Access for All2, expands it and includes issues that are particularly relevant to bilingual learners and their teachers. It is intended as a working document that you use to support your planning, teaching and understanding.

A zip file

Working closely with schools to achieve positive outcomes for young people: Bedford College


Bedford College works closely with schools and with the local authority to prepare pupils aged 14-16 for college entry and more recently has taken various initiatives to work with young learners to help guide their career choice. The case study highlights how that work comes together to help the college achieve good progression rates into employment, apprenticeships and higher level courses.

An overarching vision and value frame to meet the needs of a broad range of learners: City College Peterborough(CCP)


City College Peterborough (CCP) places great emphasis on enabling individuals maximize their potential, and often works in niche markets to help support the economic and social development of Peterborough. The vast majority of its young learners are vulnerable with multiple and complex barriers to education. The case study focuses on how CCP responds to the needs of a number of different client groups, and emphasises how seemingly disparate work is delivered under an overarching vision and value frame.

Securing a wider range of programmes through the development of quality hub of sub-contractors: Humber Learning Consortium (HLC)


With the tag-line “Passionate about Learning”, Humber Learning Consortium (HLC) is a management and quality hub for providers across the Humber and Yorkshire. This case study focuses on how Humber learning Consortium (HLC) effectively uses subcontracting arrangements to secure a wide range of personal development and employability programmes alongside mainstream delivery. Through specific examination of the Talent Match programme, the case study also shows how service users are placed at the centre of decision-making and so ensures participants take a positive approach to learning.

Staying on programme to succeed. A provider's perspective on improving retention and boosting choices: WMC - The Camden College


With a 93.8% student retention rate in 2014/15 and many progressing in-year to further study, this case study shows how WMC has put in place a range of strategies to support students to engage in college programmes, to stay on course and to succeed. Increases in the proportion of students taking accredited qualifications, and ways in which the college is increasingly promoting opportunities for learners to enable them to boost their chance of employment are illustrated throughout the case study.

Preparing learners for employment and vocational study through the design of intensive courses:Wolverhampton Adult Education Service (WAES)


Wolverhampton Adult Education Service (WAES) is increasing activity to help prepare learners for employment and/or vocational study through the design of more intensive courses - with more hours of study over a shorter period of time. The case study provides both the context and background for this work and, in particular, provides a focus on the ‘Steps to Employment’ programme aimed at people with low level literacy and numeracy skills who are unable to access the extensive number of Level 1 courses available within the Wolverhampton area.

Preparation for Life and Work - SEEVIC


"This case study tells how SEEVIC' ""Supported Internships"" programme, focused on employability. The programme has learners in college one day a week to study English and maths at a level which is appropriate for them. It includes GCSE, functional skills, or work related pre-entry level English and maths in order to support learners so that they can function in the workplace."


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