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Developing Profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) provision in the FE and Skills sector


 This resource has been developed for the Education and Training Foundation by Natspec to support providers who are currently –  or who plan to be – working with learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). Natspec has a wealth of experience in this area and is pleased to share that with the wider sector.  Although there are many challenges to working with learners with PMLD, it is also enormously rewarding.

The Essential SEND managers' programme - Maximising potential (SEND Knowledge Module)


This workbook accompanies the Education and Training Foundation's Essential SEND managers' programme, two day SEND Knowledge module. The workbook is split into four sections:

  1. The SEND landscape, recent SEND reforms in Further Education (FE)
  2. Support plans
  3. Personalising programmes for SEND learners
  4. Resolving disagreements in tribunals

Innovation in FE


This report is based on fifteen interviews conducted by the team into the topic of Innovation. They reviewed practices and successes both inside the FE sector and outside it noting the factors that seem to determine success. Three reports written by the contributors analyse the lessons learnt and point to ways in which Innovation might be improved in the FE sector.

Whole Organisation Development Process (WODP) in Offender Learning


The Whole Organisation Development Process has been designed, by the sector for the sector, to establish a prison led approach to quality improvement of learning, skills and work. The pack aims to support the Learning and Skills Manager and the Quality Improvement Group to:

- assess the position of their learning, skills and work provision in relation to Ofsted’s new Common Inspection Framework (2015);
- assist them in preparation for formal inspection;
- support the role of the Nominee.


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