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How to - Teaching, learning and assessment

Step Forward: closing the feedback loop — Tyne Coast College


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA 3) project in 2017/18 sought to prompt adult GCSE and Access students to make more effective use of feedback from teachers.  Since learners enrol at college with a variety of academic starting points, the project team hoped this would help them set meaningful stretch targets for learners and enable learners to set their own short-term goals and take greater control of their learning.

Activities for supporting maths and English learners


This action research project, which trialled new exemplar Functional Skills maths and English activities, was part of the ETF Phase 3 Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment programme in 2017/18. The aim was to investigate the newly created activities, to evaluate their effectiveness, and to identify training other teachers might need before using them. The project found that an experienced subject specialist teacher would be able to use the activities but an inexperienced teacher would struggle without guidance.

Let's make it real — Swindon New College and Plymouth College of Art


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA) project aimed to change student attitudes to maths and English by providing exciting and engaging challenges, set by real employers and based on real-world scenarios. Students created a set of 11 career-specific online videos with accompanying task sheets. Local employers collaborated. When the videos were used with students there was a 7% increase in the number who agreed with the statement “Everyone needs to get a maths qualification” and a 2% increase in the number agreeing "Everyone needs to get an English qualification”. 

Digital pedagogy – Hartpury, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Colleges


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA) project from 2016/17 aimed to improve digital pedagogy across the three institutions by helping teachers transfer outstanding classroom practice into the digital domain. The project focused on developing understanding of digital pedagogy more than developing digital skills. Through effective team working across three colleges, they created a robust programme which provided a range of ideas and information about technology and how it can be used for those interested in developing stand-alone online activities the programme provides.


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