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Care: dressing aids


This workbook focuses on helping clients to get dressed. The resource includes tasks on research and using spreadsheets to support the development of learners' skills in English and ICT. Reading, extracting relevant information from texts and highlighting

Care: diet and culture


This workbook focuses on planning clients' diets when working in care. The resource includes tasks on: writing diary reports, to support the development of learners' skills in English; researching information using the internet; proofreading a text, extr

Care: risk assessment


This workbook looks at recognising hazards when working in care. The resource includes tasks on using tables, averages and percentages to support the development of learners' skills in mathematics when analysing data. One of seven workbooks on the care i

Care: receiving visitors


This workbook is about keeping track of visitors when working in care. The resource includes charts and tasks on interpreting data, to support the development of learners' skills in mathematics, such as estimation, collecting and interpreting data on visi


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