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West Yorkshire Learning Providers (WYLP) partnership: Improving Apprenticeship delivery through lean improvement approaches


This resource relates to one of a series of collaborative development projects on the themes of Getting people into work and Apprenticeships. Each project was coordinated by a lead provider, who recruited partner providers to work together to achieve the project objectives. The West Yorkshire Learning Providers (WYLP) partnership is made up of 13 partners, nine of whom were sub-contractors to WYLP.

Rathbone Regional Response Fund final report


The decision was made to re-evaluate the project and focus on the development of an effective Contract Management strategy. The contract management strategy is a holistic framework mapping the ‘partner journey’ from expression of interest through to performance management, inclusive within the framework are arrangements for testing the effectiveness of providers financial, quality, self assessment, training and development health and safety, safeguarding and compliance arrangements. This framework goes beyond what is required for standard subcontracting arrangements.

Rewards Training Recruitment Consultancy - Stronger Together: A work-based learning merger


Faced with Skills Funding Agency changes to minimum contract levels and a climate where employer and learner focus was essential to success, two work based learning providers combined their operations and range of skills and products to emerge financially sound and stronger together. This case study examines how they managed the transition with support from the LSIS Improvement and Development Service.

Identifying the best route to partnership for small providers: Children's Links/Slack & Parr case study


The case study presents the dilemmas faced by two niche providers affected by Minimum Contract Levels (MCL) and their decisions. It will be of interest to providers considering how best to evaluate lead contractor proposals, small providers who may have extensions and to partnerships of small providers who are looking to expand. A sample "Template for initial conversations with potential lead providers" is available as a separate resource.

Template for initial conversations with potential lead providers (Children's Links/Slack & Parr case study)


This is an example of a template that can be used to record initial conversations with potential lead providers in MCL consortia. it relates to the separate case study "Small providers: identifying the best route to partnership Children’s Links, Slack & Parr and TS2000 Ltd"


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