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Operations and information management

DEMOS report (2008): A common language - making English work for London. Duncan O’Leary


This report explores which policies can encourage and support people to learn English in London. The research informing the report took place during a period of uncertainty and change for provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) across the country. In that context, its purpose was to pinpoint the value of English language provision for individuals, communities and London’s economy – and to find strategies that reflect and fulfil that promise. Based on six

Innovations in English language teaching for migrants and refugees


This collection aims to bring to the reader a wealth of ideas and practices in English language teaching, and to stimulate new thinking and experimentation, by providing accounts of innovative experiences from a range of national and international contexts. The focus of this particular volume is on English language teaching for migrants and refugees.

Learning Futures Project - Mastering governance of technology for learning (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Heart of Worcester College project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Learning Futures Project - Applying the successful Kube model to 16-19 study programmes (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Harlow College project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Offender learning management development ebook


This booklet links through each of the modules within the Management Development pack, providing supporting resources and documentation. The pack was developed as part of a management development programme for offender learning by the Adult Learning Improvement Network (ALIN) who were commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation, as part of their Excellence in Leadership and Management Programme', to assist in the development of Managers with responsibility for Learning, Skills and Employment working in the Prison Service or equivalent within privately run prisons.

Learning Futures Project - NETSPass: North East Tutor and Student Passport (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Gateshaed Council NETSPass project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Learning Futures Project - CultureShift: Embedding technology in staff and student practice (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Blackburn College CultureShift project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Learning Futures Project - Link into your professional network, a toolkit for developing LinkedIn as a student progression tool (Resource Zip for offline use).


This is the zipped resources for the Abingdon and Witney Learning Futures project cross referenced in the final project report entry.

The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource, an index of the materials in the file and links to the video content.


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