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Level 2



This booklet is aimed at tutors working with learners from about Entry Level 1 to Level 2. It is not a textbook or a list of recipes to teach a particular aspects of measure. Instead, it suggests some approaches that have been found effective in enabling

Teaching Fractions


A booklet supporting the teaching of fractions. It suggests some approaches that have been effective in enabling learners to work on developing an understanding of fractions. There are also some good activities for teaching fractions.

Worksheet Works


A web site that allows teachers to select worksheets from a range of topics including maths and English. The aim is to produce high quality paper-based teaching materials, the worksheets are not interactive. This is an American site with occasional Ameri

Vega Science Lectures


A number of videos of lectures from scientists, including Royal Society lectures and others on various topics including Bio-nanotechnology; light; quantum behaviour; nuclear power plant; black holes; mad cow disease; Carbon 60; the origin of life;


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