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Level 2

Problem solving brick


A group activity that can be used for problem solving. Each group has the same set of material and must design a scaled brick that can withstand the weight of a brick being placed upon it. Can be used as an induction or starter activity.



A group activity that can be used for problem solving. Each group is given the same set of material and must design the tallest lighthouse/tower structure. Suitable for use as an induction or staff development activity

Health and Safety signs


Triangular pieced jigsaw of health and safety terms and signs.Could be used as a PowerPoint file as a teacher led Q&A on health and safety signs. Images of the signsare provided but need to be pasted onto the cards. Can be done manually or using Tarsia ji

Metals spider chart


Ready to use spider chart giving information about different metals and alloys, their physical and chemical properties and uses. Can be adapted to blank out some information to allow learners to fill in the blanks and assess their understanding of the sub


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