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2D and 3D shapes


from Move on
Curriculum references: MSS2/E3.1
Contexts: Learners will be involved in using spatial skills in a variety of contexts and understanding more about the properties of shapes can be of use to them. In addition, some learners who are not good with arithmetic operations and number bonds may have good skills in this area and so working on shape can be important to build their confidence and give them successful maths experiences on which to build.

Weights and scales


From Move on
Curriculum references: MSS1/E2.6, MSS1/E2.9
Contexts: Learners will use measuring in a range of everyday and vocational contexts and will find it useful to build their confidence in using weighing scales and in estimating and measuring different weights. They can also develop their awareness of other units of measurement and the transferable skills of working in metric measures.

Weights and scales


From Move on
Curriculum references: MSS1/E2.6, MSS1/E2.9
Contexts: Learners will use measuring in a range of everyday and vocational contexts and will find it useful to build their confidence in using weighing scales and in estimating and measuring different weights. They can also develop their awareness of other units of measurement and the transferable skills of working in metric measures.

Putting information into lists, tables and diagrams


From Move on
Curriculum references: HD1/E2.4, HD1/E2.5
Contexts: Learners will come across lists, tables and diagrams in a wide range of everyday and vocational contexts and need to build confidence in using these – both to understand information presented in a range of different ways and to be able to present information using them effectively to make it as clear as is possible.

Halves and quarters


From Move on
Curriculum reference: N2/E2.1
Context: There are many everyday phrases that involve ‘half’ (and to a lesser extent ‘quarter’) and learners can use their work/life experience to help them understand these simple fractions. They may also need to divide items or amounts into halves or quarters – or to describe the proportions of different parts that make up a half or a quarter of a whole.

Buying items: cost and change


From Move on
Curriculum references: MSS1/E2.1, MSS1/E2.2
Context: Learners will use money skills in many contexts in their everyday lives and need to feel confident with different ways of combining coins to work out amounts spent, give appropriate coins/notes and to work out (or check) change.

Money: notes and coins


From Move on
Curriculum reference: MSS1/E1.1
Contexts: Learners will use these skills in a number of everyday and working contexts – they are often highly motivated to work on developing their skills in this area. The ability to confidently handle notes and coins will lay good foundations on which to build the development of other skills involving money and numbers in general. It is important that activities are practical, make use of actual coins and are related to everyday situations – rather than being done as arithmetical calculations.

Length, width and height


From Move on
Curriculum references: MSS1/E1.4, MSS1/E1.3, MSS1/E1.5, MSS1/E1.6
Contexts: Learners will use measuring in a wide variety of everyday and vocational contexts and will find it useful to build their confidence in recognising length, width and height and in estimating and comparing different distances. They can also develop their awareness of other units of measurement and the transferable skills of working in metric measures.

Ordering and comparing numbers


From Move on
Curriculum references: N1/E1.1, N1/E1.2, N1/E.3, N1/E2.1, N1/E2.2, N1/E2.3
Contexts: The skills of recognising, ordering and comparing numbers are fundamental to many everyday skills and to a wide variety of other maths topics. Learners will use these skills in a range of everyday contexts and will need learning to be related to concrete examples and to their own life experience.

Ordering and comparing numbers


From Move on
Curriculum references: N1/E1.1, N1/E1.2, N1/E.3, N1/E2.1, N1/E2.2, N1/E2.3
Contexts: The skills of recognising, ordering and comparing numbers are fundamental to many everyday skills and to a wide variety of other maths topics. Learners will use these skills in a range of everyday contexts and will need learning to be related to concrete examples and to their own life experience.


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