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Learning material

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 10 Emergency services.


This theme supports learners to assess emergency situations and know who to call for help. It also supports learners to consider alternative ways of dealing with non-emergency situations. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 9 Telephone helplines.


This theme focuses on how to use the NHS Direct telephone helpline to get advice on common symptoms. Learners also consider some of the other telephone helplines available and how to use them to get the information needed. Revised 2010. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 8 Change 4 Life website


Theme 8 the Change4Life website. This theme focuses on the information and advice  available on the Change4Life website and looks at how to search the site to find answers to questions. Revised 2010. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 7 NHS Choices website


Theme 7 NHS Choices website. This theme focuses on the information and advice  available on the NHS Choices website and looks at how to search the site to find answers to questions. Revised 2010. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 6 Getting to the hospital.


This theme is about following instructions to get to hospital and to the required department. There is also a focus on understanding the names of key hospital departments. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 4 Preparing for hospital.


This theme supports learners to prepare for a stay in hospital: understanding pre-admission hospital documents, completing pre-admission forms and knowing how and when to confirm or turn down an appointment. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 3 Prescriptions.


This theme focuses on understanding prescription forms and supports learners to understand the instructions for completing the form, which parts are relevant and completing the form correctly. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.

The NHS and other support networks - Theme 1 Who works in the NHS?


This theme focuses on understanding the correct titles for health professionals, knowing which health professional to consult for a given condition and understanding what happens when you consult a particular health professional. An introduction to the 4 topics of Services and health-care, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Services and self-care zip file.


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