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National Specialist College (NSC)

Learning Futures Project - Let's DoMedia


DoMedia from Westminster Adult Education Service, is a complete training solution for tutors to learn the fundamentals of planning, designing and developing effective media?based learning modules that can be incorporated in a range of delivery modalities. Users are taken from the basics to competency in producing successful media-based products that convey information with confidence and clarity.

Learning Futures Project - Assistive technology to support curriculum accessibility


This project from Runshaw College, focused on developing the skills of staff to use assistive technology software in their everyday practice and in exam settings. The aim was to increase accessibility to the curriculum for students who struggled to read standard print, and to foster greater student independence by removing the need for human readers in examinations. A web and mobile ‘app’ aggregates all of the videos, case studies and resources used during the project into one simple-to-access package.

Learning Futures Project - Teaching in Learning in Sussex


The project from fesussex, developed two toolkits: A Strategic Planning Toolkit for leaders and governors including a 12-question self-assessment on the use of e-learning; an in-depth financial calculator of delivery costs/savings/investment levels and return on investment; and a risk assessment of action/non-action of inclusion of technology within a strategic plan.
A Practitioners’ ‘Getting Started’ Toolkit to develop the understanding, acceptance and use of learning technology by teachers, focusing on the use of VLEs.

Learning Futures Project - Video learning for engineering apprentices


This project from PETA Limited, supported engineering instructors to develop their confidence and competence using tablets devices, video editing, mobile learning pedagogies, and tools including Quick Response (QR) codes and augmented reality software within an engineering training workshop.

Read the final report to learn how apprentices benefitted as staff used their increased confidence to create technology-based learning resources. A zip file will be added shortly with a series of project resources.

Working closely with schools to achieve positive outcomes for young people: Bedford College


Bedford College works closely with schools and with the local authority to prepare pupils aged 14-16 for college entry and more recently has taken various initiatives to work with young learners to help guide their career choice. The case study highlights how that work comes together to help the college achieve good progression rates into employment, apprenticeships and higher level courses.

An overarching vision and value frame to meet the needs of a broad range of learners: City College Peterborough(CCP)


City College Peterborough (CCP) places great emphasis on enabling individuals maximize their potential, and often works in niche markets to help support the economic and social development of Peterborough. The vast majority of its young learners are vulnerable with multiple and complex barriers to education. The case study focuses on how CCP responds to the needs of a number of different client groups, and emphasises how seemingly disparate work is delivered under an overarching vision and value frame.

Securing a wider range of programmes through the development of quality hub of sub-contractors: Humber Learning Consortium (HLC)


With the tag-line “Passionate about Learning”, Humber Learning Consortium (HLC) is a management and quality hub for providers across the Humber and Yorkshire. This case study focuses on how Humber learning Consortium (HLC) effectively uses subcontracting arrangements to secure a wide range of personal development and employability programmes alongside mainstream delivery. Through specific examination of the Talent Match programme, the case study also shows how service users are placed at the centre of decision-making and so ensures participants take a positive approach to learning.

Staying on programme to succeed. A provider's perspective on improving retention and boosting choices: WMC - The Camden College


With a 93.8% student retention rate in 2014/15 and many progressing in-year to further study, this case study shows how WMC has put in place a range of strategies to support students to engage in college programmes, to stay on course and to succeed. Increases in the proportion of students taking accredited qualifications, and ways in which the college is increasingly promoting opportunities for learners to enable them to boost their chance of employment are illustrated throughout the case study.

Cross agency collaboration to support those further away from employment: Newcastle City Learning


Newcastle City Learning has an ethos of supporting those furthest away from the city labour market helping to develop their skills. Working in one of the most disadvantaged Local Authority areas, this case study shows how Newcastle City Learning works co-operatively with a range of local agencies to provide employability programmes for a diverse range of clients, and how the service emphasises employment opportunities in its own offer, learning environment and future planning.


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