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NHS Direct


An excellent resource for all those studying/teaching human biology, any health-related subject, medical sciences or personal hygiene. Includes a health encyclopaedia, which describes the symptoms, causes, treatment etc of many conditions and diseases, fr

Chemistry Pages


Links to various topics in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Includes revision notes on physical, organic and inorganic chemistry for A level; help with chemistry study skills such as experimental work, lab work and recording results; exam tips;

The Science Campus


A resource for students and teachers of Physics. Will also include Engineering, Maths, and Technology in the future. This website is an in-progress library of online learning materials for UK Science and Technology courses.

Mars Express


The European Space Agency's Mars Express Launch site,containing information about the planet of Mars, images to download and video clips, and read about the mission. Also containd resources about fundamental Physics and other sciences.


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