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Atomic Structure


A highly visual PowerPoint presentation which outlines for Level 3 physics students the development of atomic theory. Topics covered are: The Plum; Pudding Model; The Geiger Marsden Experiment; Rutherford's interpretation; The Bohr atom; Nuclear descript


Link to a website where users can create their own online survey. The service is free for up to 10 questions and 100 responses. You can view real time results online or download them to a spreadsheet. Need to login to use.

Black's Academy


online mathematics text book. Topics can be searched and contain notes and tests with worked examples. Information will be sent via e-mail to the user. For various levels of learners.

Bunsen learner


A good resource for undergraduate level chemistry course, both for tutors and students. Gives past exam papers, web learning resources, tips on writing lab book and report, presentation etc,and has links for spectroscopic analysis and graduate careers.


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