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Level 2

Sexual health - Topic introduction.


Brief introduction to the Sexual Health topic and its six themes, with background, issues for consideration, national targets and policies, sources of further information and curriculum coverage grids. Please be aware that these materials have been designed by and for the use of sexual health and adult learning professionals, to address a number of different issues relating to adult sexual health. They will be used with adult learners who have chosen sexual health as a learning topic. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit.

Sexual health - Theme 5 Contraception.


This theme focuses firstly on understanding how conception occurs and becoming familiar with the language of reproduction and contraception, then on common myths and misunderstandings about contraceptive methods and the different kinds of contraception that are available for women and men. There is also a section focusing on options for unplanned and/or unwanted pregnancy. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit.

Sexual health - Theme 4 Safer sex.


This theme focuses on understanding the meaning and importance of safer sex, with sections on using condoms and dams correctly. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit. An introduction to the 7 topics of Health and well-being, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Health and well-being zip file.

Sexual health - Theme 3 HIV and AIDS.


This theme focuses on developing a basic understanding of HIV and AIDS, how HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact and safe and unsafe activities in relation to HIV transmission. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit. An introduction to the 7 topics of Health and well-being, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Health and well-being zip file.

Sexual health - Theme 2 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


This theme focuses on developing a basic knowledge of the most common STIs and recognising some of the signs and symptoms, with an emphasis on the benefits of early recognition and diagnosis. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit. An introduction to the 7 topics of Health and well-being, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Health and well-being zip file.

Sexual health - Theme 1 Talking about sex.


This introductory theme focuses on developing an understanding of the meaning and importance of sexual health, discussing the language of sex and become familiar with sexual language and agreeing ground rules for the programme. You should be aware that some of the content of these resources is sexually explicit. An introduction to the 7 topics of Health and well-being, including appendices, glossary of terms, word and audio files can be found in the Health and well-being zip file.


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