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Level 2

Module 2: This module Developing Reading Skills and identifying main points in a text, introduces reading strategies and highlights opportunities for practical application within the


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 2 presentation can be found in the Get On at Effective communication skills for customer service working in the Health Sector Zip File.

Module 1: This module provides an overview an overview of the training programme for effective communication skills for customer service working in the NHS , and its relevance to customer care


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 1 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective communication skills for customer service working in the Health Sector Zip File.

Module 9: This module Writing for Work, helps participants to develop writing skills to incorporate writing reports


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 9 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File

Module 8: This module helps participants consolidate the skills required for writing for a purpose.


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 8 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File

Module 6: This module Effective Reading, helps particiants obtain information from a variety of textual materials


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 6 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File

Module 5: This module Rules and Tools for Proof Reading and Punctuation, helps participants to revise rules of punctuation and to introduce approaches to proofreading.


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 5 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File.

Module 4: This module Rules and Tools - Punctuation, helps participants to revise and brush up the rules of punctuation.


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 4 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File.

Module 1: This module Programme overview and Individual Learning Plans, will obtain information on individuals’communication skills, identifying areas that would benefit from further focused development relevant to working in the NHS.


These training materials are particularly relevant to individuals and their employers within the Health Sector. This module is part of a suite of 9 modules. An introduction to all of the modules and a Module 1 presentation can be found in the Get On at Work Effective Communication Skills for working in the Health Sector Zip File


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