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Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Employer rights and responsibilities (ERR) workbook


This workbook has been produced by LSIS (formerly LLUK) to ensure that you know about your Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) that form part of your Apprenticeship programme. As you work through this workbook you will need to be clear about your understanding of your job title and the corresponding job role(s), in which you will be operating as part of your apprenticeship. The following table lists the job titles and associated job roles you may encounter during your learning and development apprenticeship.

LSP Professional development solutions for your support staff


Guidance for employers and others responsible for the the professional development of support staff..This guide is essentially for employers of support staff and those who lead professional development: principals and chief executives; heads of services; human resources (HR) and professional development managers. However, many others, including support staff themselves, will also find some of the examples of great relevance.


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