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Engaging Learners with Assistive Technology to improve outcomes


As part of the Improving Study Programmes for Learners with SEND, four colleges: Beaumont, Activate, Henshaw's and Langdon ran a progroject that focused on assistive technology. This zipped file contents the resource outputs from that project. Included is an introduction to their project, four case studies (one from each college), a map outlining the assistive technology assessment process and an IT access assessment proforma.

Improving Learner Support


Preston College led a collaborative project focused on ways to improve learner support funded by ETF. They produced a number of outputs. You can watch their video,, which explain the process the went through and the changes they made. You can download the zipped file containing: Tips to help practitioners work effectively with learning support assistants for the benefit of their learners and an example learner profile page.

A provider guide – How to design and deliver effective employer engagement activities


This resource is for all types of providers and organisations working across the FE sector with 16 and 17 year olds studying below Level 2. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to design, deliver and evaluate effective employer engagement activities and secure good outcomes for this group of young people on their pathway to higher levels of study and/or employment.

Improving Level 2 English and maths outcomes for 16 to 18 year olds Literature review


The EEF have commissioned this review to assess the evidence on specific interventions, or key
features of interventions, which may be effective in improving English and mathematics outcomes for these
students. Particularly in light of the new policy requirements, the EEF is interested in interventions that aim to
help students succeed at GCSE, and also provisions that aim to improve mathematics and English attainment
more generally, for example through improved functional skills outcomes.

Improving the delivery of maths and English in apprenticeships January 2020


Updated ~January 2020

This multimodal guide aims to support practitioners, trainers, assessors and managers working with apprentices to improve their delivery of maths and English. It provides the latest policy updates on apprenticeship reforms and addresses key challenges around teaching, learning and assessment. The guide also provides links to a wide range of resources and CPD training to support effective delivery of maths and English in apprenticeships.

Session Planners - Embedding Digital Skills


The Education and Training Foundation have produced a series of session planners to support practitioners teaching in offender learning. The aim of the planners is to embed the use of digital skills and collaborative skills development into their delivery. This zipped file includes session planners for: Art and Design, Construction, Functional English, Functional Maths, Hair and Beauty, Hospitality and Catering, Sports and Fitness.


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