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Learning material

talent website: Heading for Success Workpacks


An extensive collection of literacy and numeracy materials produced by Milton Keynes College as part of the Heading for Success project. These materials were originally housed on the talent website.

Heading for Success was a project that aimed to use the power of football to motivate adults to improve their literacy, language and numeracy skills.

These materials can be downloaded and re-branded as necessary. The content can also be adapted to make it suitable for lower level learners.

Topics covered by the packs include:

talent website: Duncan's Day - Daily routines


These materials are aimed at pre-entry and E1 ESOL students and focus on the daily routines of a small boy. The materials were originally housed on the talent website and include a PowerPoint of aims and objectives, a summary of Duncan's daily routines, verbs and also of times. There are also worksheets available for reading comp, verbs etc. This resource has been made from and inspired by the Pictures of English Tenses resource publication by Brain Friendly.
Suggested use: To be used in class. Print out Word documents prior to presentation. Revise times first using clock.

talent website: Wh- question words


A series of exercises to introduce / revise wh- question words in familiar contexts. These materials originally appeared on the talent website. These materials can be used in preparation for the E1 reading test, for which students need to recognise and understand the different wh- question words. To a lesser extent, this also provides a grounding for speaking tests, in which students are asked to question a partner on a familiar subject (e.g. family, shopping).

talent website: Directions and Local Landmarks


Designed for E1 ESOL students with low levels of English literacy, these materials originally appeared on the talent website. Easily adaptable for literate E1 students. Fully illustrated, the materials focus on; names of local landmarks e.g. park, post box, etc; asking for and giving directions; prepositions of place.

NB. The main file is in Acrobat PDF format (.pdf). The Word document (.doc) has been made available in case you wish to adapt the materials. It can only be opened in Word 2000/XP (not 97)

Stockton Riverside College - Celebrating BME Diversity to Promote Inclusivity


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Stockton Riverside College. The context of the project was that the North East of England has very few people from BME backgrounds and hence, few BME learners/staff within the college. The population being mainly white British means that our learners are not exposed to different cultures/religions very often; which can lead to barriers in understanding and communication.


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