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Management of institutional data

Furness College: Furness Collaborative Learner Management System


The project aim was to develop of the Vital VME to facilitate the sharing of learner information with partner schools and apprentice employers. The scope of the project was focussed on the provision of on-line live attendance information, assessment monitoring and learner progress reporting.
The most important feature of the project was the ongoing involvement of users in development of the final version of the software. Plans are now in place to further develop the Vital system to add more features.

Cut the Carbon: New Directions, Reading Borough Council


This project sought to check and improve the energy performance of two community buildings actively used by local learners. Carbon performance was assessed and specific action improvement plans identified. The project produced a short educational video for staff and the community about sustainable building management, in particular looking at behavioural changes issues.

Cut the Carbon: Walsall Adult & Community College


Carbon Reduction and Behaviour Change Programme: The college's sustainability plan had raised its energy rating from F to C, reduced electricity charges by 60%, and Increased staff sustainability awareness. This project aimed to extend behaviour change to colleagues within a third sector organisation to achieve a B rating, and utilise energy monitors and LED lighting installation to support this.

Southend-on-Sea YMCA: IT operations restructuring


This project aimed to restructure the IT operations of the Southend YMCA, by implementing Microsoft Terminal Services accompanied by Thin Client machines, adopting effective SBC (Server Based Computing) improving management, performance, access & security. In addition, the project implemented dual booting, enabling students who struggle to fully use Mac computers to use a Windows environment.

ACDhelp Limited: Virtualisation of the administration function


This case study shows how technology has led to systems and procedures at ACDhelp becoming mean, lean and auditable. Repetitive administration jobs have been subcontracted or automated, assessor reporting time has been reduced and there is easier access to client data. As a direct result, administration costs have fallen and management time has been freed up.


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