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Partnership working (local and regional)

Regional Sustainability Collaboration project: South East - College engagement with local communities for enhanced sustainable development


This project aimed to provide an opportunity to learn from existing best practice and facilitate new schemes by example as part of a push to engage local communities in a push for enhanced sustainable development

Regional Sustainability Collaboration project: North East - NE Regional Sustainable Enterprise Market


The aim of the project was to provide a NE Regional Competition for education providers that would promote sustainability within a variety of curriculum areas. At the same time creating a bridge between sustainability and enterprise which would promote the concept of self-employment based around the idea of ‘sustainability’ as a realistic future option for learners.

Regional Collaboration project East of England: led by Esin Esat, Bedford College - Collaborative Sustainability Leadership


The key purpose of this project was to build the capacity of member organisations to be the Sustainability Leaders for the Region. Initial stages would focus on developing the sustainability policy and strategy in each organisation, with future activity focusing on disseminating good practice across and beyond the boundaries of the region.

Regional Sustainability Collaboration project: East Midlands - Skills for the Green Economy


This project started from the position of the Green economy as one of the main growth areas of the economy, and the need for the effective, efficient and rapid deployment of appropriate skills flexibly, responsively and innovatively to empower learners and employees. The aim of the project was to identify the types of skills required in the Green economy and to find ways of delivering these skills in the sector.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Stockton Riverside College (with Stockton Borough Council) - Learner-led Sustainability Enrichment Programme


This project aimed to engage learners in sustainable activities through developing an exciting Sustainability Enrichment Programme, designed through learners’ and partners’ input. A transferable toolkit pack was to be produced, accessible on the college’s website.

Pre-employment provision - International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS): University of Derby, A cluster approach to employer engagement


This set of resources relates to one of nine projects focusing on developing Apprenticeships, employer responsiveness and pre-employment provision. The projects designed, piloted and delivered activity in one or more of the above strands, including workshops, study or exchange visits, coaching and mentoring, consultancy and the development of self assessment tools. ICeGS designed and piloted a programme based on the principles of action learning to support work based learning managers and curriculum leaders to develop a cluster approach to enhance employer engagement.

Pre-employment provision - KEITS: Apprenticeship recruitment feedback tools


This set of resources relates to one of nine projects focusing on developing Apprenticeships, employer responsiveness and pre-employment provision. The projects designed, piloted and delivered activity in one or more of the above strands, including workshops, study or exchange visits, coaching and mentoring, consultancy and the development of self assessment tools. This project built on an earlier project which focused on increasing Apprenticeship uptake.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Lewisham College - Eco-Skills for Trainers, Mentors and Learners


The main aims of the project were to: develop and deliver a 'training the trainers/mentors' learning package on carbon free and environmental sustainability; develop and deliver a new unit on carbon free and environmental sustainability to sit alongside existing employability training modules; develop information and guidance on training and career and progression routes in carbon free and environmental sustainability industries; and support a cohort of participants to attend training on ‘'Understanding Sustainable Refurbishment'.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Leicester College (with Change Agents UK) - Change Agents: Inspiring Learners


The aim of this project was to work with 20 trainee teachers to design and test a programme of activities and lessons that embed sustainability into the formal curriculum. The project formed part of their assessed work on the DTLLS course and provided learners, with an opportunity to gain a valuable insight into embedding sustainability into the curriculum. The project also sought to raise awareness amongst the target group of the importance of sustainability to their future employability and introduce participants to the concept of sustainability and how to apply it.


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