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Resource management

Workplace Information (Agriculture)


In this writing modules, students learn about writing instructions for working in agriculture, and about helping verbs. In this writing module students learn about writing short notes for work using simple sentences, and about writing words in the plural. A PDF of the resources, facilitators notes for the reading and writing modules, listening tasks to accompany modules where listening activities are required and an English to Polish glossary including abbreviations can be found in the Agriculture Resources Zip File.

Duties at Work (Agriculture)


In this writing module, students learn to write about work activities using the past and present continuous verb forms, and to use modal verbs to show different meanings in simple sentences. In this writing module students learn about writing short notes for work using simple sentences, and about writing words in the plural.

Managing your debts


This assignment is help learners find information and use activities to build their numeracy skills to help them when they owe money, and when they need to manage debts in a positive way to minimise the impact of debt on their future.

Maths Method Module


This module supports teachers of numeracy to learners from Entry Level to Level 2. How do you add, subtract, multiply and divide? What range of approaches can you use to support learners? This module provides an overview of some of the most commonly used strategies for calculation. Resources related to this module are in the Maths Method Module Zip File.


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