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Systems leadership and strategic collaboration

Putting learners with SEND at the centre of FE provision: A partnership approach


When FE and specialist colleges join forces to support each other, this really benefits learners.  This report provides examples of where this has happened and also examples of how colleges are exploring with local authorities how to make the SEND system work for learners.  Lots of food for thought and ideas that you might want to explore in your own college.

CAVTL One year on review


This review, published one year on from the CAVTL report:
A. reflects on progress in raising the status and quality of vocational education and training;
B. recognises the significant contribution of the new Education and Training Foundation to the early implementation of the CAVTL recommendations;
C. signposts four key developments that would further develop and strengthen the outcomes and impact of a first-class VET system.

National Union of Students UK (NUS): Student-led dialogue on LGBT and Faith


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by the National Union of Students (NUS). The overall aim of the initiative was to support staff and learners to tackle real and perceived tensions between lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equalities, and religion and belief equalities, in FE colleges. The project focused on dialogue as a means to increase and improve inter-personal communication between learners relating to the subject of faith and sexuality.

Humber Learning Consortium: Improving E&D practice across a voluntary and community sector network


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by the Humber Learning Consortium. The overall aim was to improve equality and diversity practice across a network of 20 voluntary community sector (VCS) learning providers in the Humber sub-region. A Quality Improvement Network was launched and questionnaire created and completed by 20 VCS delivery partners.

Sussex Downs College - Equality & Diversity in Apprenticeship delivery - mapping the Apprentice learner journey against Equality & Diversity themes


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Sussex Downs College in 2009-10. The aim of the project was to improve the understanding of WBL providers on how to evidence Equality & Diversity through the production of a good practice toolkit.

Stockton Riverside College - Celebrating BME Diversity to Promote Inclusivity


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Stockton Riverside College. The context of the project was that the North East of England has very few people from BME backgrounds and hence, few BME learners/staff within the college. The population being mainly white British means that our learners are not exposed to different cultures/religions very often; which can lead to barriers in understanding and communication.

Accrington and Rossendale College - Meeting the needs of LGB&T learners in Pennine Lancashire


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Accrington & Rossendale College.
The specific aim was to establish the most effective method to ensure that needs of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) learners in the local area are met by the college. The project provided the opportunity to better understand the needs of LGB&T learners and to maximise their participation and retention within the college.


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