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Diversity, equal opportunity differentiation

Mindful toolkit cards


The Mindful Toolkit (a zipped file) includes information cards and task cards. It was designed to be used with prisoners with a range of SEND needs but it particularly focuses on mental well-being. The resource was developed and trialed by a group of prison-based learning support specialists working with learners with SEND. Each task card is mapped to a SEND pathway: Communication and interaction, Learning and cognition, Social, emotional and mental health, and Sensory and hearing impairments.

Supporting learners with additional needs: A three-tier approach


This guide outlines ways that learners can get the support they need without necessarily drawing on Additional Learning Support funding. Some learners don’t want to be singled out as
needing extra help or to have a member of support staff visibly assigned to them. Enabling learners with additional needs to make good progress is as much about differentiated,
inclusive teaching and learning, as it is about high-quality learning support. And additional support does not always have to take the form of an ALS practitioner, as learners’ needs

SEND CPD Framework


This document presents the collation of a mapping exercise of SEND CPD training and qualifications support available from the Education and Training Foundation and, a wide range of other organisations. The inclusion of information from other organisations does not indicate a recommendation by the Education and Training Foundation of this offer. The information is provided to raise awareness to the SEND workforce of the variety CPD opportunities available.
The information is presented in themes with a colour coding that indicates the target audience for the training.

Showcasing learners capabilities to prospective employers


The Develop Cluster Group worked with the Mitie Foundation who co-produced a Business Challenge Day for their high needs learners. This enterprise day was to inspire and showcase our learners’ capability to prospective employers who could potentially offer work experience or paid work in the future. This zipped file includes the SEND Workforce Development Study Programme project's case study, dissemination presentation and employer leaflet.

ETF teaching films


ETF worked to create a set of subject specific films where expert practitioners talked about tips and tricks of delivering their particular subjects. As some of the content seemed at times rather generic we have created two sets of films:
1] Films where a teacher from FE talks generally about good teaching practice
2] Films where the teacher talks specifically about teaching X, where X is their subject

Download document with background and Youtube links

Engaging Learners with Assistive Technology to improve outcomes


As part of the Improving Study Programmes for Learners with SEND, four colleges: Beaumont, Activate, Henshaw's and Langdon ran a progroject that focused on assistive technology. This zipped file contents the resource outputs from that project. Included is an introduction to their project, four case studies (one from each college), a map outlining the assistive technology assessment process and an IT access assessment proforma.

Improving Learner Support


Preston College led a collaborative project focused on ways to improve learner support funded by ETF. They produced a number of outputs. You can watch their video,, which explain the process the went through and the changes they made. You can download the zipped file containing: Tips to help practitioners work effectively with learning support assistants for the benefit of their learners and an example learner profile page.

Maths and English in Prison Work and Training


This resource has been inspired by the innovative work carried out by HMP Kirklevington Grange and HMP Haverigg in their exploration of developing prisoners’ English and maths alongside learning vocational skills/ working practices in prison workshops and industries. The work undertaken by these prisons has, in turn, inspired other prisons to design their own projects and ‘job sheets’, specific to the departments and workshops within their prisons.


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