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Diversity, equal opportunity differentiation

Embedding maths and English in technical and vocational programmes


This zip file contains the first drafts of fifteen flyers summarising the maths and English dimensions of a variety of technical and vocational areas. They were designed to help providers and employers to embed maths and English skills into their study programmes and work experience placements. Although these are still relevant there are now revised flyers that can be found on the Study Programmes Exhibition Site on the Excellence Gateway.

An Investigation into the use of Facebook using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to Identify Students “at Risk” in Further Education


The report describes an action research project aiming to encourage practitioners to innovate and improve their practice in key areas that affected outcomes for learners, particularly those deemed at risk of leaving Further Education without completing their course

Assessing & measuring the impact of using cultural venues as an educational resource for disadvantaged adults


This research report examines the longitudinal impact of conducting visits to cultural venues (architectural and lanscapes connected to history) with disadvantaged students on their educational attainment and overall improvements in life quality, which was recognised as missing in published research at the time of the study.

Assessing levels of dyslexia amongst multilingual learners in order to improve teaching practice, target setting and achievement


A research report and poster that explores the use of formative assessments to uncover and investigate learning differences affecting the progress of ESOL learners, and tutors' ability to recognise the need for further assessment within their groups


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