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Mental Health and Apprenticeships – CITB


A number of case studies on ‘Mental Health and Apprenticeships’ have been created as part of the Future Apprenticeships programme. In this case study CITB takes a whole organisational approach to supporting its apprentices and promoting mental health and wellbeing. They showcase effective practice and provide practical examples of how to support apprentices wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health and Apprenticeships – Wigan Adult Learning


A number of case studies on ‘Mental Health and Apprenticeships’ have been created as part of the Future Apprenticeships programme. In this case study Wigan Adult Learning show how they help to create a culture of openness to allow apprentices to talk about any concerns they may have. They showcase effective practice and provide practical examples of how to support apprentices wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health and Apprenticeships - Kirklees College


A number of case studies on ‘Mental Health and Apprenticeships’ have been created as part of the Future Apprenticeships programme. In this case study Kirklees College explains how it supports its apprentices with mental health needs and provides the appropriate training for its staff. They showcase effective practice and provide practical examples of how to support apprentices wellbeing and mental health.

Maths and English Provider-Employer Protocols – Enhancing the Apprenticeship Supply-Chain


The protocols offer providers ways to establish and maintain a relationship with employers that is mutually beneficial and therefore far more likely to be supportive of collaborative efforts to enhance an apprentice’s learning journey. The protocols specifically address the development of maths and English skills, but will also be applicable, in a large part, to the wider vocational context.

Teach Too: South Worcestershire College: developing learning materials in collaboration with Rotec Engineering Ltd


A case study aimed to develop a partnership with a local employers; to design, plan and deliver a high quality engineering curriculum based on real-work environment opportunities; to implement a way of working that will enable local businesses to take an active role in influencing College curriculum decisions in the future and to foster closer links with range of local engineering employers to support apprenticeship growth.


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