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Learning support workers

Developing effective maths, English and ICT approaches in offender learning — NOVUS


All seven prisons in the North East of England and Cumbria took part in this NOVUS offender learning Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA 3) project in 2017/18. The aim was to design and implement a “teach-meet” approach to promoting outstanding practice through teach-meet events, focusing on maths, English and ICT. Participants included maths and English teachers, learning support specialists, managers and vocational trainers, representatives from the prison and probation services, and prisoners.

Let's make it real — Swindon New College and Plymouth College of Art


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA) project aimed to change student attitudes to maths and English by providing exciting and engaging challenges, set by real employers and based on real-world scenarios. Students created a set of 11 career-specific online videos with accompanying task sheets. Local employers collaborated. When the videos were used with students there was a 7% increase in the number who agreed with the statement “Everyone needs to get a maths qualification” and a 2% increase in the number agreeing "Everyone needs to get an English qualification”. 

Empowering teaching and learning communities to promote equality and celebrate diversity


Building on existing policies and procedures they used a combination of approaches, which included opportunities for groups of staff to openly discuss the challenges and opportunities which the general subject of E and D presented. This encouraged them to develop a bank of locally tested and validated resources and reworked ideas for E and D teaching alongside attendance at relevant community events such as College Pride. Learners contributed by exploring how E and D in teaching, learning, and assessment might better reflect their concerns, experiences and gaps in knowledge.

Assessment and tracking progress — North Tyneside Council Adult Learning Alliance


This outstanding, teaching, learning, and assessment (OTLA 3) project in 2017/18, was led by North Tyneside Council Adult Learning Alliance (NTCALA). The aim was to identify and develop assessment for learning methodologies to promote learners’ self-belief and their capacity to be successful in mandated Department for Work and Pensions programmes. The project focused on assessing and tracking the communication skills of learners on two employability programmes.

Implementing mobile learning to support functional reading skills - Open Doors


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment project (OTLA), from 2016 – 2017, was a partnership between Open Doors International Language School (ODILS) and Cornwall Council Adult Learning service. It explored the implementation of mobile learning strategies using smartphones to support the functional reading skills of learners at Levels 1 and 2. The project produced an app, developed courses and materials based around exam areas, and set up a ‘sandpit’ area to enable teachers to experiment. An associated information leaflet contains a link to five tutorial and instructional videos.

Collaborative development of TLA practice in maths and English - Lakes College


The project was delivered in partnership with Kendal College, Furness College and Carlisle College as part of the Outstanding, Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA) programme in 2016 - 2017. It aimed to improve practice in the teaching, learning, and assessment of maths and English. The impact of the learner voice was strong and the focus was on improving the utilisation of information about learner starting points and how this is used to inform TLA practice and progress monitoring.

Hearing impairment resource guide


This reference guide aims to provide teachers and trainers in the FE sector with an understanding of the potential impact of hearing impairment on learning and how to better support learners to achieve their full potential. It explores the signs, symptoms, behaviours and provides top tips for adapting communication, teaching strategies and environment to enable learners to thrive. 

The guide also signposts to a wide range of resources and CPD training to help staff to increase their knowledge and confidence to embed skills effectively into the support they provide.

Autism resource guide


This reference guide aims to provide teachers and trainers in the FE sector with an understanding of the potential impact of autism on learning and how to better support learners to achieve their full potential. It focuses on autism and related conditions from a neurodiversity perspective, including how staff can make the most of an individual’s strengths and positive characteristics that may be associated with their neurodiverse condition.


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