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Case study

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Enfield Adult Education Service - Sustaining Circles


The overarching aim for the project was to seed a culture in which the aspiration to conspicuous consumption is replaced with the aspiration to preserve the existing planet resource asset base. It was proposed to set up, facilitate, support and promote three Learning Circles in partnership with two Local Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), to target local disadvantaged families.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change - Sustainability in Learning


The aim of this project was to embed a sustainable development ethos within learning delivery and the learner experience, throughout all stages of learner engagement, delivery and evaluation. The project team sought to develop and implement a strategy for this through empowering staff, learners and stakeholders to provide their own vision on what sustainable development means to them. To maximise impact, the team evaluated and disseminated best practice to key partners within the sector, and sought to ensure it became part of the ongoing learning strategy.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: City College Coventry: A video guide to learning for sustainability


The starting point for this project was the premise that learning providers need to develop innovative forms of learning infrastructure that make best use of the new generation of learning systems and focus on the delivery of those higher order 21st Century skills that will help society become “low carbon ready”.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Cambridge Regional College - Developing change agents to support sustainability issues within academic roles


This project looked to develop two change-agents for each of four academic areas (hair and beauty, engineering, essential skills and motor vehicle). One agent would be chosen from the academic team, the other, such as technicians or Operations Leaders, from the support team. The project created a VLE area from which material relating to sustainability could be downloaded.

Developing Apprenticeships - Remploy: Working with disabled learners


This set of resources relates to one of nine projects focusing on developing Apprenticeships, employer responsiveness and pre-employment provision. The projects designed, piloted and delivered activity in one or more of the above strands, including workshops, study or exchange visits, coaching and mentoring, consultancy and the development of self assessment tools. This project's aim was to deliver three ‘Working with Disabled Apprentices’ consultancy workshops in Oldham, Birmingham and London designed to increase the number of disabled people completing Apprenticeship programmes.


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