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Learning material

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 3 These materials, with a theme about working with others, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2.


Learners will be able to follow and participate in discussions at work, clarify and summarise problems, follow and give explanations, instructions and accounts, criticise constructively, respond to criticism and complaints, read and write memos, letters and e-mails, look for information in official documents and other texts, and write guidelines in a work context.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 3 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 2 These materials, with an environmental theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2.


Learners will be able to listen to a radio interview about a local issue, discuss environmental issues, describe processes, discuss community issues, read about environmental issues, write short reports and summaries, read and write letters and e-mails.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 2 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 2, Unit 1 These materials, with a theme about study skills, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 2.


Learners will be able to listen to and take part in discussions, listen to presentations, prepare and give presentations, use texts as sources of information, use notes for planning, and write essays.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 1 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 5 These materials, with a theme about making a difference, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1.


Learners will give views and opinions about local issues, get information and advice about a problem, join a meeting to discuss and plan action, read newsletters and reports about local issues, read articles about the government and plan and draft a short report.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 5 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 4 These materials, with a theme about looking for work, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1.


Learners will be able to listen to and discuss a radio interview about employment trends, listen to and take part in a job interview, express views and opinions about work, talk about skills and experience, read about interview skills, prepare and write a CV, and understand other documents for job applications.

A set of 3 resources to include teachers notes and audio clips.The ESOL teacher notes for Level 1, Unit 4. Include instructions relating to Unit 1 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 3 These materials, with a theme about working in an office, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1.


Learners will be able to make phone calls and listen to voicemail messages, use formal and informal language, follow and give instructions in the office, read and write e-mails, read and write formal letters, read a magazine article, write instructions and procedures.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 3 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 2 These materials, with a theme about the news and newspapers, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1.


Learners will be able to listen for information in news programmes, understand and retell a news story, analyse radio interview techniques, respond in interviews, obtain information from newspapers, understand how newspapers present information and understand the special language of newspapers.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 2 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Level 1, Unit 1 These materials, with a theme about life in the UK, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Level 1.


Learners will be able to understand and give a factual account of social trends, listen to explanations and presentations, give and follow a talk, read about statistics and social trends, understand the structure of a text presenting advantages and disadvantages, write a text to develop an argument, extend vocabulary related to social change, and plan a talk.

A set of 3 resources to include teacher’s notes and audio clips. The notes include instructions relating to Unit 1 tasks, as well as guidance on materials needed, curriculum aims, extension activities and support.

ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 8 These materials, with a working lives theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3.


Learners will be able to listen to other people talking about their jobs, listen to explanations/ instructions on the phone, talk about work preferences, talk about their feelings, likes and dislikes, make suggestions and give advice to someone, use vocabulary for jobs and industries, trace and understand main events of texts, scan texts to get information about employment opportunities, and organise and write a letter of application.

ESOL Learner Materials, Entry 3, Unit 7 These materials, with a local communities theme, develop and practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills at Entry 3.


Learners will be able to listen for detail in social situations and on the phone, follow, ask for and give directions, follow and take part in discussions, take part in social conversations and phone calls with appropriate degrees of formality, use contents pages and indexes to locate information in texts, recognise purposes of different kinds of documents, use skimming and scanning to find relevant information, extract main points from newspaper articles, and plan, draft and proof-read informal letters.


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