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Enfield AES Stepping Up in Sustainability project


The 'Looking After the Environment' project aimed to design and implement a modular Sustainability Learning programme comprising a training launch, supported workshops, Learning Circle and VLE resources. The embedding of core sustainability principles across the spectrum of Family & Adult learning through collaborative working partnerships would ensure a lasting legacy of educative sustainability principles. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Dorset Adult Learning


The 'Stepping Up Sustainability in Dorset' project delivered activities relating to sustainable development throughout the sub region of Dorset through the recruitment, training and development of a group of community sustainability champions who would work collaboratively with the Service to research interest, plan, develop and deliver activities and open events for the public. As well as capacity building, the project focused on family learning, improving learning delivery and enhancing access to learning. Four case studies were produced through the project.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Bromley Adult Education College


The aims of this sustainable development project were: to improve the management of food waste at one of our main centres by using wormeries and composting; to create an organic vegetable, fruit and herb garden on an overspill car park area at the centre and use it as a hands-on teaching resource; to develop and deliver a new range of mainstream, community and family learning courses, both practical and theoretical, around the concepts of growing, sourcing and preparing food for domestic consumption in a sustainable manner that also provides economic benefits to the participants; to embed w

A guide to delivering adult skills provision to the unemployed


This guide pulls together all the various complex strands of policy and process which go to make up the employability and skills offer to unemployed people. It also provides hints and tips based on real experience to help learning and skills providers make sense of those strands and consider how they might best respond to the challenges posed by the ongoing changes to the Adult Skills Budget, DWP and Education Funding Agency (EFA) programmes.

ESOL starter kit


ESOL stands for ‘English for Speakers of Other Languages’ and was considered to be one of the 'Skills for Life' together with literacy and numeracy. Although the Skills for Life programme itself no longer exists the advice contained here is still relevant to ESOL delivery today.
This starter kit provides support and guidance, information and resources for developing and delivering ESOL. It includes the development of blended learning approaches. It is aimed at providers who are new to ESOL and providers who would like to review and further develop their delivery of ESOL.

Employability starter kit


This kit supports those who are developing employability provision in response to learners seeking work, those at risk of redundancy and those who are in work but need to improve their skills to sustain their employment and make progress. Through its five sections the kit links providers to useful resources and guidance which should help those new to employability provision take the steps needed to get started.


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