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Outcomes and destination data

Let’s be employable!!


A research report that explores the effects of engaging vocational employers in the design and delivery of study programmes on the progression rates of learners into employment, and their subsequent aspirations for the future and long term career oriented roles.

Peterborough Regional College Regional Response Fund final report


In response to the planned introduction of Job Outcome Incentive Payments in the 2012-13 academic year, this project was designed to establish a recruitment agency- style service to support unemployed people and students finding work. PRC recognised that existing business relationships could be utilised to achieve job outcomes for learners. The aim was to use Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a lever to encourage businesses to support their local community and help reduce levels of unemployment.

Regent College


Regent College defines itself as a Global Citizens College, a place where citizenship is integrated into all 3 levels of study at the college. At level one, students are involved in a full day of citizenship activities presented in conjuction with Leicest

Merton College


At Merton College citizenship is delivered mainly through weekly group tutorials and is enhanced by wider citizenship activities open to all students outside of class contact time.

Lincoln College


Students studying at Lincoln College are able to participate in representative processes such as Student Union councils and the citizenship team is currently investigating ways to introduce additional active citizenship opportunities focussing on voluntee


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