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Partnership working (local and regional)

Quality Improvement Toolkit for education and training providers


This Quality Improvement Toolkit, developed for the LSC North West, contains 14 separate tools that will assist you improving the quality of your training and sets out the minimum requirements that can reasonably be expected of any provider delivering training. Equally if provision is sub-contracted it shows what should be expected of the sub-contractor.

A happy collaboration


Q: What has an independent training provider and a college based training provider got in common?
A: A genuine desire to find out if their learners feel listened to and how they could capture and use learners’ views to improve the quality of training.

Kirklees Council: Independent Action


Independent Action is a collaborative project which developed and piloted a training package for learners from Kirklees with sensory impairments (auditory and visual) to enable learners to play an active role in the Big Society Agenda by contributing to fundraising and accounting functions for voluntary, community and faith organisations in their communities.

Hartlepool College of Further Education - Roots to Success


The main aim of the project was to engage with thirty-six offenders at a local open prison to provide them with an opportunity to work on a community allotment operated by the college and the local authority.  The project aimed to provide the offenders with opportunities to engage in a community payback activity whilst gaining practical horticulture skills along with ‘softer’ skills such as communication, teamwork, planning, organising and decision-making.  The project also aimed to increase closer and more effective relations between the main partners – a local open prison, a further educa

CG Partnership - Youth and Diversity: Our Journey


The aim of this E&D Partnerships project was to raise vulnerable students’ awareness surrounding diversity and highlight to them the effects that locally active right-wing extremist organisations may have on their community. It also aimed to give them a sense of community-cohesion, helping them understand why some organisations can be so far reaching and damaging.

Amersham & Wycombe College: Research and publicity to engage young Pakistani individuals into college life


The aim of this case study, suported by parternshps with Connexions, the Peer Review and Development group and the Parent and Pupil Partnerhsip Unit, was to reverse the downward trend in learner numbers from the Pakistani community through understanding and responding to their needs.


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