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Inclusive Employer Induction Toolkit


The Inclusive Employer Induction Tolkit was produced by City College Norwich, ETF's Centre for Excellence in SEND (community). This toolkit shares the current practices at CCN in delivering induction activities to employers of placements and apprenticeships. 

The tools and techniques within the toolkit are derived from tried and tested tools that have been used extensively with employers. Each tool has a generic description and can be adapted by you in accordance with the requirements of the organisation. 

Making webinars more inclusive


As more courses move online and tutors deliver more content through webinar style sessions, it becomes vital to understand both the benefits and the barriers of webinar-based lessons. The tools and platforms you have available may put constraints on how inclusive your webinar can be, this presentation accompanies the Making webinars more inclusive which explored some of the common issues and suggest ways to minimise their impact.

Engaging learners on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)


How do we motivate and engage learners suddenly faced with learning independently online? This webinar will look at tools that can be used within a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) help to motive and engage learners by adding collaborative activities and gamification. The session will use Moodle to demonstrate features within a VLE to support online learning. The webinar will look at the use of forums, wikis, quiz and badges.

Adapting content quickly to deliver online


This webinar show how you can take a class presentation (PPT) and quickly adapt it for online use. We’ll look at the inclusion of audio, video and the use of notes to help learners here all the extra information you normally say in class.  We’ll explore how you can combine tools (Nearpod with Skype/Zoom or Teams) to make structured but interactive online sessions using your presentation as a starting point. 

Inclusive Staff Toolkit


This Inclusive Staff Toolkit has been created by City College Norwich, Centre for Excellence in SEND focus Community was designed to inform and support all tutors in their work with students who have a learning difficulty , difference and/or disability. This guide will give an overview of a number of different difficulties and disabilities, and strategies to support those students in their learning activities and around the learning environment.

Study Programmes: Making the right choice - A Guide for Young People


This guide is one of three guides commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and produced by touchconsulting Ltd as part of the #StudyGood programme (2019-2020). It has been written to provide young people with information about study programmes so that they are empowered to make informed decisions about the post-16 career pathways they would like to pursue.

Skills for Life Advocate Training


A HM Prison and Probation Service, Skills for Life Advocate CPD toolkit developed in conjunction with HMPPS Learning and Development and the Education and Training Foundation.

The Skills for Life Advocate training materials contain everything needed to deliver the session which helps participants develop the knowledge and skills to encourage their colleagues to develop their maths, English and ICT skills and to signpost them to learning opportunities. The toolkit contains:


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