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Developing Alcohol Awareness in Further Education: an introductory guide


This practical guide aims to assist colleges in promoting alcohol awareness among learners by featuring the work of five colleges which have undertaken sustained activity on alcohol awareness for their learners, with a measure of a success. None claims to be an expert but all wish to make the lessons learned from their approaches available to others. In most cases, approaches and resources are identified that may be of use in promoting alcohol awareness elsewhere in the sector.

Ages of concern: learning lessons from serious case reviews


This is a thematic report of Ofsted’s evaluation of serious case reviews from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2011. Ofsted reports have consistently highlighted that babies less than one year old and older children have been the subject of a high proportion of serious case reviews. This report provides a thematic analysis of 482 serious case reviews that Ofsted evaluated between 1 April 2007 and 31 March 2011. The main focus of this report is on the reviews that concerned children in two age groups: babies less than one year old and young people aged 14 or above.


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