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Walsall College: Sustainable “Children and Child Protection” e-learning and 3D simulation programme


The Child Protection e-learning programme delivers interactive and engaging e-learning for those involved in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Users can use the programme in their own time and at their own pace to learn about the issues regarding child abuse and protection.

City of Sunderland College: College Improvement (CIPs) Programme


. This project focused upon the improvement of teaching and learning at an institutional level. Through the use of strategic College Improvement Partners, the ‘Learning Framework’- was introduced into the organisation, which had previously been shown to significantly improve the quality of teaching and learning. At the heart of the approach is a threefold strategy; a hybrid coaching intervention to address and improve teaching underperformance, deployment of the Framework’s Learning Cycle which demonstrates a common view of learning and development of robust monitoring via Governance.

Safeguarding in the Workplace: What are the lessons to be learned from cases referred to the Independent Safeguarding Authority?


The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) was created under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) to make independent, well-informed and considered decisions on whether to bar people from working with vulnerable adults and/or children. This research was undertaken to specifically explore: the behaviours demonstrated by the referred individuals that lead to their referral; the circumstances in terms of relationships, culture and policy within which the harm occurred and was reported; and actions taken by the employer leading up to and in response to those behaviours.

City College Plymouth: Raising awareness of Sexual Exploitation of women and children in Plymouth


The project raised awareness of the sexual exploitation of children within the Plymouth community and beyond. A film was produced (Anna) and made available online ( and on DVD. The project helped train students on equipment, directing and scriptwriting, research skills and use of software. The project also raised awareness of the issue amongst College staff and students.

Webs Training Ltd (Webs) - Grade 1 Safeguarding


In September 2010 Webs Training requested LSIS support through the Improvement Adviser Service (now the Improvement and Development Service) to assist their ambition to become a grade one provider. As part of this work, safeguarding and risk assessment practices were reviewed and developed resulting in a whole organisation strategy based on approaches promoted by LSIS. The Ofsted inspection November 2010 judged Webs to be outstanding overall, awarding a grade one for most aspects, including safeguarding.

Peer review toolkit


The Peer Review Toolkit demonstrates the relevance of peer review as an essential study, work and life skill. Although this resource exemplifies peer review within the context of Information Technology, the content is clearly applicable in any curriculum


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