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Stockton Riverside College - Celebrating BME Diversity to Promote Inclusivity


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Stockton Riverside College. The context of the project was that the North East of England has very few people from BME backgrounds and hence, few BME learners/staff within the college. The population being mainly white British means that our learners are not exposed to different cultures/religions very often; which can lead to barriers in understanding and communication.

Lewisham College - Linking Lies Sexual bullying and gender conflict


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Lewisham College in 2009-10. The main aim of the project was to produce a resource that can be used as a stimulus to raising young people’s awareness of sexual bullying and gender conflict; and help prevent sexual bullying and gender conflict from occurring in colleges, schools and youth settings. The scope of the project was twofold.

Hartlepool Sixth Form College Embedding equality and diversity into organisations to maximise the opportunities for all learners to achieve their full potential


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Hartlepool Sixth Form College in 2009-10. The project aimed to make teachers trainers and employers feel supported by being able to share ideas and use active learning approaches to embed equality and diversity when teaching or training others. This in turn would maximise opportunities for all learners to achieve their full potential.The resources included are:
• Final report
• Powerpoint presentation
• Embedding E and D into the 10 pedagogic approaches

Hull Adult Education Service - Improving Declaration Rates for Learning Difficulties and Disabilities and Specific Support needs in Adult Community Education


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Hull Adult Education Service in 2009-10. The project aim was to research and develop innovative methods of increasing learner declaration rates of learning disability, difficulty or specific support needs for students on Adult Community Learning courses. The assumption, through local and service data and anecdotal evidence from staff was that many learners did not declare their disability or difficulty at enrolment and therefore did not receive all the support they required.

Accrington and Rossendale College - Meeting the needs of LGB&T learners in Pennine Lancashire


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Accrington & Rossendale College.
The specific aim was to establish the most effective method to ensure that needs of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) learners in the local area are met by the college. The project provided the opportunity to better understand the needs of LGB&T learners and to maximise their participation and retention within the college.

Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education - Empower


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education in 2009-10. The project aimed to enable better understanding of the experiences and barriers of LGBT people in education, learning and training and look at how good educational professionals are at promoting all sexualities and gender identities. The resources included are the final report, the Empower toolkit, an Empower executive summary, and recommended resources.

Walsall College - Black Country Partnership Learning Project


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Walsall College in 2009-10. This project aimed to develop an online resource to help Classroom Support Assistants (CSAs) to broaden their awareness of E&D to enable them to increase personalisation of support and provide more effective support for all learners and increase their own job satisfaction. The resources included are the final report and a guide to using the E&D Moodle.

Orpington College: E&D Scorecard/Key Performance Indicators


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Orpington College. The aim was to develop a process/methodology for implementing high impact improvements to Equality and Diversity by creating an ‘E & D Scorecard’, based on a number of headline Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that any education or training organisation could use to evaluate their performance in the areas of Equality and Diversity.


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