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A Summary of Projects in the OTLA Phase 6 (English) Programme

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A booklet containing summaries of 12 projects which researched new approaches for teaching English in the post-16 sector. In total, 45 organisations took part. Twelve projects were formed, each consisting of 3 or 4 successful organisations who wanted to work on a similar theme. 440 participants comprising managers, English specialist teachers, vocational subject trainers, tutors, and lecturers were involved in the project. The themes were: Working with learners to use assessment for learning to encourage progress and plan for learning; Oracy and visualisers –powerful classroom catalysts; Developing a reading culture; Developing resilience through teaching and learning; Developing independent learning and meeting individual learners' needs; Developing reading and writing; Developing a reading culture; Working with learners to use assessment for learning to encourage progress and plan for learning; Developing new teaching strategies for improving English; Post-16 Phonics Approaches; Developing strategies to build self-belief in learners in the North East; and Transitions, Technology and Teaching. This booklet contains summaries from each of the participating organisations.

Practitioner Research and Evidence Hub: 