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Transportation operations and maintenance

Working and Learning as a HGV driver


Technical Route - Transport and logistics :
One of the barriers to developing maths and English skills during work placement is a lack of awareness and in depth understanding of how maths and English GCSE’s and FS link to occupational areas within the 15 technical routes. These flyers attempt to summarise that mapping. Job roles are considered, recognising the importance of the technical skills that employers need plus promoting maths and English skills under calculation and communication

Embedding maths and English in technical and vocational programmes


This zip file contains the first drafts of fifteen flyers summarising the maths and English dimensions of a variety of technical and vocational areas. They were designed to help providers and employers to embed maths and English skills into their study programmes and work experience placements. Although these are still relevant there are now revised flyers that can be found on the Study Programmes Exhibition Site on the Excellence Gateway.

Two Way Street: Buxton & Leek College and the Logistics and Transport sector


The commitment of leaders from organisations involved in the Logistics and Transport sector recognised the essential need to meet together to address serious staff and skills shortages in this vital East Midlands business sector. This project illustrates the essential characteristics and benefits of bringing together five employers under the leadership of the Chair of the Institute of Couriers, the partnership which developed between Buxton and Leek College, the University of Derby and the D2N2 LEP and the benefits for all those involved.

Personal passport


A template personal profile that deaf people can download and complete to give employers information about reasonable adjustments they might need in the workplace or for work experience. The zip file also includes a sample completed passport.

CAVTL One year on review


This review, published one year on from the CAVTL report:
A. reflects on progress in raising the status and quality of vocational education and training;
B. recognises the significant contribution of the new Education and Training Foundation to the early implementation of the CAVTL recommendations;
C. signposts four key developments that would further develop and strengthen the outcomes and impact of a first-class VET system.

Creating and supporting expansive apprenticeships


This guide has been designed to help you analyse the way you currently organise your Apprenticeships to identify where further improvements can be made in line with the reforms. The guide will support you in creating and managing ‘expansive’
Apprenticeships. An expansive Apprenticeship makes demands on apprentices, their employers and on training providers by maximising the added value that Apprenticeship can bring to workforce performance.


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