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Case study

Yorkshire Coast College (part of the Grimsby Institute): SPORE Reflective Blog and Wiki


This project explores the use of technology through two elements of activitty. One was for sport science students to use reflective blogs and to create wikis. The other was to provide a blog area for the fictional ‘Ranger Jane and Ranger Bob’ characters. Each student was given their own online work area to create a reflection of the practical work that they were carrying out. Each student also had their own blog area that they used for an exercise diary.

West Sussex Adult and Community Learning Service: CPD online materials


This project sought to create a sustainable method of delivering CPD to tutors within an ACL environment. Through the development of a CPD portal tutors would be able to access online courses. Specific objectives included the production of online training modules with the involvement of curriculum leaders, creation of a bank of materials to support inclusion, and design of a questioning module.

Wirral Lifelong and Family Learning Service: Self organised learning in Digital Arts


This project was about introducing creative technology to parents and children, so that they can work together in the production of a story book. The aim was to introduce the technology and help the parents begin a process whereby they can access their work remotely and complete some of the project from home.


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