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Case study

Improving services for employers: Chichester College


This resource comprises the outputs from one of a series of projects to test a range of approaches to improving and extending training and related business services for employers. The college realised that their systems, being geared for individual learners, needed updating. Their project also set out to improve the quality of their business service to employers through the development of a web-based portal.

Improving services for employers: City College Plymouth


This resource comprises the outputs from one of a series of projects to test a range of approaches to improving and extending training and related business services for employers. The college's employer base comprised around 98 per cent small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro businesses, which were difficult to engage. The project developed a programme of business seminars through which to engage and forge closer links with small and micro businesses in their area.

Making the business case for Higher Apprenticeships: resource pack


A needs analysis of the 21 Higher Apprenticeship organisations, participating in the Higher Apprenticeship Fund in June 2012 identified engagement of both employers and employees as key challenges in order to generate starts on Higher Apprenticeship programmes, along with the financing of Higher Apprenticeships. In autumn 2012 a project was initiated to share and develop emerging practice on making the business case for Higher Apprenticeships. This resource comprises a number of outputs from the project, including a project overview, five case studies and two presentations.

Higher Apprenticeships: Emerging practice for growing the provider base while ensuring high quality provision resource pack


A needs analysis of the 21 Higher Apprenticeship organisations, participating in the Higher Apprenticeship Fund in June 2012 identified engagement of both employers and employees as key challenges in order to generate starts on Higher Apprenticeship programmes, along with the financing of Higher Apprenticeships. In autumn 2012 a project was facilitated with a number of Higher Apprenticeship Fund organisations to share and develop emerging practice in delivery and development of higher level skills.

Higher Apprenticeships: Collaboration for cost effective delivery and development of higher level skills resource pack


A needs analysis of the 21 Higher Apprenticeship organisations, participating in the Higher Apprenticeship Fund in June 2012 identified engagement of both employers and employees as key challenges in order to generate starts on Higher Apprenticeship programmes, along with the financing of Higher Apprenticeships. In autumn 2012 LSIS facilitated a project with a number of Higher Apprenticeship Fund organisations to share and develop emerging practice in delivery and development of higher level skills.


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