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Case study

Case study: Developing a marketing campaign for Higher Apprenticeships, SusCon-at-North West Kent (NWK) College


This case study describes how North West Kent College and the University of Greenwich developed a targeted Higher Apprenticeship marketing campaign. Sport was identified as a possible vehicle for attracting both employers and learners, and the case study

Sussex Council of Training Providers (SCTP) Foundation Learning Sub-Group: Mapping and partnership working for 18-24 NEET young people in Sussex


This project set out to map current provision for 18-24 NEET (not in education employment or training) young people in Sussex, to establish good practice for engaging 18-24 NEET young people and to address gaps in delivery to improve the learning experience.

Protocol Group: Partnership working – together we will achieve more


The focus of this project was to develop stronger partnerships between the participating apprenticeship WBL providers to support each other in developing strategies to address the 18+ NEET cohorts in the West Midlands area. As this cohort is a new area for three organisations, there was benefit in joint research activities as to why this client group does not engage in learning from a third organisation whose main focus was the very hard to reach NEET group.

The Learning Curve: ‘Stargazing’; the NEET Review Group – identifying and sharing progress in the efficacy of current provision


lthough the majority of young people succeed in education and make a positive transition to adult life and the world of work there is still a significant number who need further resources to enable them to succeed. Anecdotal evidence (garnered from meetings and other formal and informal contacts) indicate that individual providers do offer a tailored range of interventions, usually as a direct response to individuals.


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