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Case study

B-Skill Ltd (B-Skill) - Developing Capacity to Improve, Preparing for Re-inspection


B-Skill has focused on rapid and continuous improvement since being judged ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted, July 2010. LSIS advisers from the Sector Support Service (now the Improvement and Development Service) worked with the team to improve self-assessment and quality processes, and prepare for re- inspection. As a result of this intensive focus, and a collective vision based on quality improvement, all aspects are now ‘satisfactory’ and improving.

National STEM Centre


The National STEM centre holds the world's largest collection of physical STEM resources. The website contains resources for teachers in science, technology engineering and mathematics. These resources include case studies, images, reports, classroom act



This page introduces Enterprise as a cross-curricular theme. It provides links to the rest of the 'Enterprise collection' and particularly to those that introduce the concept as a generic theme that is relevant to all vocational areas as well as to exampl


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