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Case study

Leicester College: Diversifying the workforce through positive action and advancing race equality


The project aimed to contribute to the College’s annual equality objectives. The main outputs included a Positive Action PTLLS Course leading to a level 4 qualification for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff; the delivery of a Job Search Workshop for unsuccessful BAME job applicants (200 in total with 21 people attending; delivery of a Leadership Programme and Career Development Workshop).

Doncaster College: EDISTEM


The project identified and embedded good practice around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in relation to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects in further education (FE) colleges and Work Based Learning Providers across Yorkshire and Humber. The project delivered a range of outputs, such as a launch event attended by 19 organisations. The main impact of the project has been the developed awareness of EDI issues and creation of new networks of support.

City College Plymouth: Raising awareness of Sexual Exploitation of women and children in Plymouth


The project raised awareness of the sexual exploitation of children within the Plymouth community and beyond. A film was produced (Anna) and made available online ( and on DVD. The project helped train students on equipment, directing and scriptwriting, research skills and use of software. The project also raised awareness of the issue amongst College staff and students.

Redbridge Institute of Adult Education: Reaching Adults in Crisis


The project addressed the inequalities around access to education and training for a group of adults providing information and advice on learning and employment opportunities which help break the cycle of poverty. Learning ambassadors were used to engage with the target group; research was also undertaken on the needs of a hard-to-reach adult client group supported by the third sector. Learning ambassadors were drawn from each curriculum department who promoted their own experience of the benefits of learning and inspire others.

Webs Training Ltd (Webs) - Grade 1 Safeguarding


In September 2010 Webs Training requested LSIS support through the Improvement Adviser Service (now the Improvement and Development Service) to assist their ambition to become a grade one provider. As part of this work, safeguarding and risk assessment practices were reviewed and developed resulting in a whole organisation strategy based on approaches promoted by LSIS. The Ofsted inspection November 2010 judged Webs to be outstanding overall, awarding a grade one for most aspects, including safeguarding.

Sandwell Adult and Family Learning Service - Driving quality improvement through a user-friendly data system


Sandwell Adult and Family Learning Service worked closely with an adviser from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Improvement Adviser Service to improve staff’s use and understanding of data. Quality improvement and self-assessment were not being informed sufficiently by detailed evidence. A new more comprehensive user-friendly system was introduced which allowed staff to have far more understanding of the application of data and to take more ownership of their contribution to improving the overall quality of the provision.

Rewards Training Recruitment Consultancy - Stronger Together: A work-based learning merger


Faced with Skills Funding Agency changes to minimum contract levels and a climate where employer and learner focus was essential to success, two work based learning providers combined their operations and range of skills and products to emerge financially sound and stronger together. This case study examines how they managed the transition with support from the LSIS Improvement and Development Service.

Reading Borough Council - New Directions; Raising Success in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)


In 2010 New Directions requested assistance from LSIS Sector Support Service advisers (now the Improvement and Development Service) to help them improve success rates in skills for life, starting with ESOL which had the most complex issues. A revised curriculum offer and new approaches to learner recruitment, assessment and expectation setting were trialled in ESOL and later rolled out. As a result, success rose for all aspects of the target areas. By November 2011 the provision was judged ‘good’ by Ofsted.


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