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Norfolk County Council Adult Education and Guidance Service(NAEGS) - Who is responsible for success rates? Improving accountability in adult learning and community education

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Norfolk County Council Adult Education and Guidance Service(NAEGS) - Who is responsible for success rates? Improving accountability in adult learning and community education.
Poor success rates across 25% of learner responsive provision on long courses led to notices to improve for NAEGS. One of the areas affected was Preparation for Life and Work. This department exemplified the issues facing the provider, a large team of tutors were committed to and cared about learners and their well being but focussed more on retention than ensuring learners reached the end of their programme and qualify in a timely manner. In addition, managers had not introduced effective monitoring systems or performance management. Support from the LSIS Improvement and Development Service across a number of departments helped address these issues leading to more effective practice.
