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Case study

York College: AgeNeutral


This Equality & Diversity Partnership Project aimed to challenge the stereotypical views employers and employees have of older and younger workers by co-developing an age management strategy modular programme. This centred on the development of a training module (An Introduction to Age Management Strategies). This covered a range of topics including the following: age demographics and current legislation in UK; the business benefits for age equality; and age profiling.

Wirral Lifelong and Family Learning Service: Developing a partnership approach to supporting people from the traveller community


This Equality & Diversity Partnership Project developed a targeted partnership approach to supporting people from the traveller community to engage with and succeed in learning. The adults had low levels of literacy and were identified by the service, a local school, through Irish Community Care (ICC), a voluntary group and local Job Centre.

Uxbridge College: Mentoring ‘at risk’ students


The project aimed to narrow the achievement gap for Black Caribbean students by delivering extra support through mentoring. Facilitated, 1-1 mentor meetings were undertaken between 39 ‘at risk’ Black Caribbean students and eight mentors (2 of whom were University students). The target was to ensure retention of 90% of these students by the end of the project. Mentor training was provided for six Uxbridge College staff and two University students and resources were created including a training pack with handy tips and recording sheets.

Unite the Union: Future Citizens Project


This Equality & Diversity Partnership Project tested approaches to working with people who have been estranged from formal education. The target groups included young people, the unemployed and homeless people. Over 40 individuals were involved in the project. Links were created between Unite and a number of community organisations in Leeds, including St George's Crypt, Create and St Anne's Community Services, and a range of 'key themes' from participants in each group were identified and used in the DVD training pack.

Strode College: Improving IAG to apprentices and prospective employers to support the employment of disadvantaged learners


The focus of this Equality & Diversity Partnership Project was improving information, advice and guidance (IAG) to prospective employers of apprentices in order to support the employment of disadvantaged learners. In addition, it developed a programme for embedding equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into apprenticeship framework delivery in the workplace to enhance employer and employee understanding.

Shipley College: Dot to Dot ESOL partnership engagement model


The project centred on a partnership engagement model designed to address the needs of women whose English language needs are preventing them from accessing education and health services and opportunities for themselves and their children. The model includes a district wide website, an ESOL for Nursery course and communication tool, and a Community Champion Scheme.The outputs included action research with 5 interviews with ‘successful’ women and 18 interviews with service users by staff and peers. It also involved 6 students completed written questionnaires.

North Warwickshire & Hinckley College: Bringing E&D alive through a World Peace Garden


The overall aim was to bring Equality and Diversity (E&D) alive within every part of the curriculum, through the development of a former Horticulture area into a ‘World Peace Garden’, an open air classroom, and an organic market garden managed through a partnership between the College and Nuneaton Transition Town. The three main outcomes of the project were: a peaceful World Peace Garden (with a pagoda, a pond and covered seating areas); an open air classroom; and an organic market garden managed by Nuneaton Transition Town using the principles of permaculture.


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