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Research report

CAVTL One year on review


This review, published one year on from the CAVTL report:
A. reflects on progress in raising the status and quality of vocational education and training;
B. recognises the significant contribution of the new Education and Training Foundation to the early implementation of the CAVTL recommendations;
C. signposts four key developments that would further develop and strengthen the outcomes and impact of a first-class VET system.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council: Addressing under-representation of gypsies and travellers in learning and promoting the development and sustainability of new businesses


The aim was to bring together the gypsy/traveller communities and arts/craft people to enhance the development and sustainability of new businesses through a combination of virtual business solutions and community tourist/craft ventures. This involved a wide range of local and one national bodies.

City of Wolverhampton College and Remploy: Increasing Economic Participation for Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by City of Wolverhampton College and Remploy. The project conducted research and analysis into employer related data and intelligence relating specifically to the employment of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities in the Wolverhampton and the West Midlands. This research was carried out with 20 employers in the area.

Accrington and Rossendale College - Meeting the needs of LGB&T learners in Pennine Lancashire


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Accrington & Rossendale College.
The specific aim was to establish the most effective method to ensure that needs of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) learners in the local area are met by the college. The project provided the opportunity to better understand the needs of LGB&T learners and to maximise their participation and retention within the college.

Equality North East - Responding to Diversity: Promoting Equality and Excellence


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by one of two Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Equality North East in 2009-10. The aim of this project was to identify examples of positive action and effective equality practice within the North East's Learning Providers and then compile a report of these case studies in order to raise awareness. Core components of the project included research into case studies, completion of a report, and dissemination of information through networks and an event.

Boston College - Raising aspirations among young learners from disadvantaged backgrounds


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Boston College in 2009-10. The project aimed to identify young learners across Lincolnshire who are in receipt of EMAs/ALGs or who live in post-coded areas identified as areas of disadvantage. The team also aimed to engage with them as “experts” through electronic and paper based surveys, one-to-one interviews and focus groups about the barriers to success and effective intervention strategies.


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