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Assessment (including diagnostic)

Step change in assessment—Bury and Bolton colleges


The focus of Bury and Bolton colleges' outstanding teaching, learning, and assessment (OTLA 2) project in 2016/17 was to see if they could use their virtual learning environments (VLEs) to improve assessment outcomes. They created differentiated tasks to support students to learn at their own pace and get immediate feedback via the VLE. Pre- and post- testing found students' achievement increased by an average of 13.5%. This took course achievement to 10% above national benchmarks.

Changing mindsets in formative assessment — Preston’s College


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) project delivered in 2016 - 2017, was a collaboration between Preston’s College, Myerscough College, North Lancashire Training Group and the Lancashire Work-based Learning (WBL) Executive Forum. It aimed to develop assessors’ competencies in embedding formative assessment in apprenticeship delivery. A survey to identify existing use of formative assessment was carried to inform the provision of support and training.

Embedding ‘Prevent’ in teaching, learning and assessment - Humber Learning Consortium


This Outstanding, Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) project, delivered in 2016-2017, was a collaboration with seven partners: Active Humber, Foresight, Goodwin, Mencap, Preston Road Women’s Centre, In-House Training and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. The aim was to improve how ‘Prevent/Fundamental British Values’ content and requirements were delivered to vulnerable, SEND (special educational needs and disability) and disadvantaged learners.

Online Module Maths and English Assessment and Tracking


Getting assessment right is critical at all stages of the learning journey. These guidelines for assessment and tracking in maths and English were co-created with the sector. They set out clear expectations of effective practice in assessment for learning, providing a framework for organisations as well as individual teachers and trainers.

In order to access this course you will need to set up a free account with Foundation Online Learning. 

Toolkit: Using competition activity in the vocational curriculum with learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Competition activity is a great way to raise aspirations, improve learners’ skills and employment prospects, strengthen learning programmes and introduce an element of excitement into the vocational curriculum.  While competition activity is relatively well-established as a feature of the curriculum at higher levels, it is less commonly used with learners at Entry level and Level 1.  However, providers who have been exploring the use of competition with learners with SEND report that it is just as beneficial for their learners – and easy to implement.


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