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Marketing and recruitment (learners)

Boston College - Raising aspirations among young learners from disadvantaged backgrounds


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Boston College in 2009-10. The project aimed to identify young learners across Lincolnshire who are in receipt of EMAs/ALGs or who live in post-coded areas identified as areas of disadvantage. The team also aimed to engage with them as “experts” through electronic and paper based surveys, one-to-one interviews and focus groups about the barriers to success and effective intervention strategies.

Cut the Carbon: Weston College


Colleges rarely give priority to analysing costs, resources and wastage involved in producing prospectuses, course and learner handbooks, therefore missing opportunities to cut carbon, save money and provide better learner information through a standardised personalised framework. This project analysed and evaluated those opportunities.

Pre-employment provision - KEITS: Apprenticeship recruitment feedback tools


This set of resources relates to one of nine projects focusing on developing Apprenticeships, employer responsiveness and pre-employment provision. The projects designed, piloted and delivered activity in one or more of the above strands, including workshops, study or exchange visits, coaching and mentoring, consultancy and the development of self assessment tools. This project built on an earlier project which focused on increasing Apprenticeship uptake.

Developing Apprenticeships - Remploy: Working with disabled learners


This set of resources relates to one of nine projects focusing on developing Apprenticeships, employer responsiveness and pre-employment provision. The projects designed, piloted and delivered activity in one or more of the above strands, including workshops, study or exchange visits, coaching and mentoring, consultancy and the development of self assessment tools. This project's aim was to deliver three ‘Working with Disabled Apprentices’ consultancy workshops in Oldham, Birmingham and London designed to increase the number of disabled people completing Apprenticeship programmes.

Petroc: Overcoming the barriers of online enrolments


This project aimed to develop and deliver a documented process for improvement of the enrolment process for unfunded and co-funded provision. The main deliverable was a process map and template for online enrolments, with detailed, step-by-step explanations of how to implement the system, which would be designed to be suitable for implementation regardless of the technical specification of individual systems.


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