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Staff performance appraisal

Dyslexia resource guide


This reference guide aims to provide teachers and trainers in the FE sector with an understanding of the potential impact of dyslexia on learning and how to better support learners to achieve their full potential. It focuses on dyslexia and related conditions from a neurodiversity perspective, including how staff can make the most of an individual’s strengths and positive characteristics that may be associated with their neurodiverse condition.

Toolkit: Using competition activity in the vocational curriculum with learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Competition activity is a great way to raise aspirations, improve learners’ skills and employment prospects, strengthen learning programmes and introduce an element of excitement into the vocational curriculum.  While competition activity is relatively well-established as a feature of the curriculum at higher levels, it is less commonly used with learners at Entry level and Level 1.  However, providers who have been exploring the use of competition with learners with SEND report that it is just as beneficial for their learners – and easy to implement.

Making Great Use of Learning Support Assistants in FE settings


Learning support assistants (LSAs) are the most commonly used form of support in the FE sector – and the most expensive. That makes it especially important for providers to deploy LSAs efficiently and effectively, so that they have a positive impact on learner progress and independence. We have put together an in-house development activity to help you consider how to make the most of the LSAs in your setting. The activity has been designed to be facilitated by managers with SEND responsibilities and undertaken by teams of tutors and LSAs working together.

Levels of staff engagement


The aim of this infographic is to prompt and create open and frank discussion about increasing levels of staff engagement in study programmes. This will enable providers to reflect, review and gain a clearer understanding of their own team’s level of engagement.

AP Guide: Coaching and Mentoring in Action: Additional Approaches, Tools and Techniques


This guide is part of a suite of four guides designed for those working in Advanced Practitioner-type roles across the Further Education and Training Sector as part of the Education and Training Foundation's 'Professional Development Programme for Advanced Practitioners' (Feb 2018-). The guide will help Advanced Practitioners (APs) to rediscover things they already know and will add to their toolkit of skills, competencies, models and approaches.

AP Guide: Facilitating Professional Development and High-Performance Teams Through Situated Learning


This guide is part of a suite of four guides designed for those working in Advanced Practitioner-type roles across the Further Education and Training Sector as part of the Education and Training Foundation's 'Professional Development Programme for Advanced Practitioners' (Feb 2018-). The guide will help Advanced Practitioners (APs) to rediscover things they already know and will add to their toolkit of skills, competencies, models and approaches.

AP Guide: Using Coaching and Mentoring to Support Colleagues: Core Principles and Techniques


This guide is part of a suite of four guides designed for those working in Advanced Practitioner-type roles across the Further Education and Training Sector as part of the Education and Training Foundation's 'Professional Development Programme for Advanced Practitioners' (Feb 2018-). The guide will help Advanced Practitioners (APs) to rediscover things they already know and will add to their toolkit of skills, competencies, models and approaches.

AP Guide: Creating Spaces to Think in Further Education and Training (Thinking Environment)


This guide is part of a suite of four guides designed for those working in Advanced Practitioner-type roles across the Further Education and Training Sector as part of the Education and Training Foundation's 'Professional Development Programme for Advanced Practitioners'. The guide will help Advanced Practitioners (APs) to rediscover things they already know and will add to their toolkit of skills, competencies, models and approaches.


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