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Staff performance appraisal

Step Forward: closing the feedback loop — Tyne Coast College


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA 3) project in 2017/18 sought to prompt adult GCSE and Access students to make more effective use of feedback from teachers.  Since learners enrol at college with a variety of academic starting points, the project team hoped this would help them set meaningful stretch targets for learners and enable learners to set their own short-term goals and take greater control of their learning.

Activities for supporting maths and English learners


This action research project, which trialled new exemplar Functional Skills maths and English activities, was part of the ETF Phase 3 Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment programme in 2017/18. The aim was to investigate the newly created activities, to evaluate their effectiveness, and to identify training other teachers might need before using them. The project found that an experienced subject specialist teacher would be able to use the activities but an inexperienced teacher would struggle without guidance.

Developing effective maths, English and ICT approaches in offender learning — NOVUS


All seven prisons in the North East of England and Cumbria took part in this NOVUS offender learning Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA 3) project in 2017/18. The aim was to design and implement a “teach-meet” approach to promoting outstanding practice through teach-meet events, focusing on maths, English and ICT. Participants included maths and English teachers, learning support specialists, managers and vocational trainers, representatives from the prison and probation services, and prisoners.

Empowering teaching and learning communities to promote equality and celebrate diversity


Building on existing policies and procedures they used a combination of approaches, which included opportunities for groups of staff to openly discuss the challenges and opportunities which the general subject of E and D presented. This encouraged them to develop a bank of locally tested and validated resources and reworked ideas for E and D teaching alongside attendance at relevant community events such as College Pride. Learners contributed by exploring how E and D in teaching, learning, and assessment might better reflect their concerns, experiences and gaps in knowledge.

Step change in assessment—Bury and Bolton colleges


The focus of Bury and Bolton colleges' outstanding teaching, learning, and assessment (OTLA 2) project in 2016/17 was to see if they could use their virtual learning environments (VLEs) to improve assessment outcomes. They created differentiated tasks to support students to learn at their own pace and get immediate feedback via the VLE. Pre- and post- testing found students' achievement increased by an average of 13.5%. This took course achievement to 10% above national benchmarks.

Skills for future jobs – supporting learner progression - Petroc College


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment project (OTLA), from 2016 - 2017, was a partnership between Petroc College of Further and Higher Education and Plymouth College of Art. It focused on raising teachers’ and learners’ awareness of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) and its role in identifying skills gaps. It also explored mindfulness as a way of developing soft skills. Outputs included employability resources and a positive introduction to mindfulness for staff and students.


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