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Employability training

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Stockton Riverside College - Responding to Future Sustainable Skills


Stockton Riverside College wanted to inform the curriculum by developing new sustainability skills provision in partnership with the Local Enterprise Partnership, Local Authority and employers. The aim was to develop and deliver a new sustainability toolkit and to pilot a volunteering scheme where Student Sustainability Champions would undertake a placement with employers to inform and improve their sustainability.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: South Thames College - Promoting engagement on Education for Sustainable Development


The project built upon the success of the earlier Stepping Up in Sustainability project ("Stepping Up in Sustainability: South Thames College - Community Engagement on Green Skills and Low-carbon Zones"). The aim was to deepen the relationship the college has with the Furzedown Low Carbon Zone and the Greener Jobs Alliance and in particular to work with a local school and employer to promote sustainability. This was achieved along with a link up to HE and offering students community based assignments.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Easton & Otley College - Employability and Sustainability


The focus of this project was the link between sustainability and employability, and an aim of the project was to create a definition for sustainability in linking to employability. Using pedagogy that provided incentives through competition and reflections through group tutorials, and use of video case study, the project also sought to develop long-term relationships and close working with employers.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Gateway College - Entrepreneurs of the Future


The starting point for this project was the Government’s report ‘Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: Government and business working together’ (2011) in which a transition to a green economy is deemed essential in order to secure a prosperous economy for the future and the role of the FE and skills sector in this. At the same time, from research within the Colleges & University of Leicester Network's (CULN) Sustainable Development Working Group, it was apparent that more needs to be done to help embed sustainability within curriculum.

Regional Sustainability Collaboration project: North East - NE Regional Sustainable Enterprise Market


The aim of the project was to provide a NE Regional Competition for education providers that would promote sustainability within a variety of curriculum areas. At the same time creating a bridge between sustainability and enterprise which would promote the concept of self-employment based around the idea of ‘sustainability’ as a realistic future option for learners.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Lewisham College - Eco-Skills for Trainers, Mentors and Learners


The main aims of the project were to: develop and deliver a 'training the trainers/mentors' learning package on carbon free and environmental sustainability; develop and deliver a new unit on carbon free and environmental sustainability to sit alongside existing employability training modules; develop information and guidance on training and career and progression routes in carbon free and environmental sustainability industries; and support a cohort of participants to attend training on ‘'Understanding Sustainable Refurbishment'.


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